Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Upcoming Pub's

I haven't had a chance to update my "About" information recently, but I've confirmed that Fighting Words will be seen in at least two coming anthologies. The one that will probably appear first is called the "Weird Illustrated" (published by Rubber Chicken Funnies), a collection of comics that are, well, "weird." While I don't consider my cartoons inherently weird, I do think they are subversive, which I suppose is good enough.

The other collection is Ted Rall's third installment of the Attitude series, which should be big for me. I believe the first two installments had a pretty wide circulation, and they featured all the familiar names in alternative political cartooning -- Tom Tomorrow, Jen Sorensen, Lloyd Dangle, Ruben Bolling, Andy Singer, David Rees, Keith Knight, Aaron Magruder... and, of course, Ted himself.

Attitude 3 will probably start appearing on shelves in the Spring of 2006.

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