Friday, April 25, 2008

Website changes...

So I've been doing some sprucing up of the old website lately, including adding buttons for "Buy A Print" and "Make A Donation." I'm aware of some little problems on various types of browsers... I'll have to come back to it and iron those out next week.

However, if you see any major problems like the site doesn't come up at all or your computer explodes when you type in the address, let me know. Pretty sure it's not my fault though if your computer explodes...

Hopefully, these changes will hold me over until I can get around to a complete site redesign someday. But probably not... I'll probably continue to tinker with the damn thing.

UPDATE: I just looked at it on a smaller screen, and it's all outta whack... I got some work to do still. So consider it partially under construction at the moment...

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