Tuesday, June 27, 2006

More on Religious Nationalism, Fundamentalism...

Articles for this week: Robert Jensen on the "four fundamentalisms" that threaten our society, specifically religious, national, economic, and technological fundamentalism; Stephanie Simon on programs for the breeding of evangelical lobbyists, which unfortunately makes no mention of the First Amendment or Establishment Clause; Andrew O'Hehir in a review of a biography of William Jennings Bryan by Michael Kazin; and an article that I may have linked to before but am still enjoying, Michelle Goldberg on the Christian nationalist movement in America.

Also, the little piece on prayer as "self-pity" came from a book of meditations by Jiddu Krishnamurti. I generally try to avoid intertwining my personal reading with the cartoon stuff like that, but this was a little nugget that I felt like sharing...

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